Life at ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø School

Student Life

±á²¹±ô±ô±ð³Ù³ÙÌýCove SchoolÌýprovides a supportive learning environment for students from Reception to Year 12, with educational opportunities that reflect the school values of Respect, Organisation, Caring, Listening and Personal Best.

Students have the opportunity to develop and improve their talents and interests through participation in a multitude of extra-curricular activities. These programs and events provide quality learning for all students to become resourceful, adaptable, innovative and flexible, while encouraging them to be active members of the school and local community.

Wellbeing and learning is supported through unique and diverse opportunities, enabling students to develop their learning, while forming connections with peers, teachers, and the wider community to become well-rounded individuals.

Passionate and specialised staff provide guidance to students in their areas of interest, including Sports, the Arts, Creative Thinking, Wellbeing and Student Leadership.